No Sharp Line Analysis

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Savier Woodfox The paradox about the no sharp line is vague because we do not know exactly where the line starts or if there is even a line at all. Since everything is in a constant state of changing into something else, the fine point of the transition from yellow to orange will not be seen. If you were to put a small amount of red paint in the yellow paint, it does not turn orange right away. If anything a small change may occur. Yet we do not know where this line is still, and so we are tempted to think that there is not one. Possibly the problem of no the sharp line is exactly where the line starts and the way we are looking at it, epistemic view. There is a sharp line, just the ignorance of our own minds that tells us there is not. We …show more content…

Pretty much the no sharp line problem is our own perception of the way we see and say things. Our words have vague meaning to it. Meaning there's no clear definition of what someone really means when they speak. It's like telling someone to do something; without telling them what it is you want them to do. The semantics of words are vague and may or may not change depending on the context or subtext of what's being said. The sharp line divides where everything begins and ends. Qualitative changes are not always visual. Everything is constantly in motion, in a state of change, in a state of becoming something else. With wetland boundaries, the cast over the wetlands from the Mountains, Sun or even the cast from the earth itself, the decision to draw a line where the boundary lines may not exist because there is no distinct moment where the cast hits parts that are not in the cast. The sharp line is not permanent and will change, so the boundaries are constantly going through the motion. In the end, a worldly and semantic view concluded that there's no solution to the sharp line. We use vague language and make up our existence from it, to build a "Factual World". If a woman starts to age but is getting more and more wrinkles, the Quantity of her stayed the same because she's still the same person. But the Quality of her did change. Because humans are aging and evolving slowly every day, we can probably conclude that the predicate's age is the sharp line. Or maybe her birth is the line. But whos to say that either is wrong or right. Excluded middle law plays into this because, in the end, we don't know exactly where the wrinkles start to show and or if she had wrinkles since birth, suppose the wrinkles were very very fine as a baby. The vagueness of the predicates sharp line is or it isn't. either or but because the surety isn't there, we can probably conclude that there are other sharp

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