Shooting Stars Survival Quotes

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“Shooting Stars” is a novel written by Brian Falkner. One theme implemented in the novel is survival and how it affected Egan’s actions. This theme can help others learn about skills people may have developed from how they lived. In this essay, I will cover the importance of the theme of survival and what you can learn from it. First, survival is a key part of Egan's character. When Moma goes missing, Egan is prepared to look for her, and he makes a list of what he assumes he will need in the city. “I am going to leave the forest. I have to find Moma. I have been making a list of everything I think I will need in the world” (Pg. 116). The aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid afore In the quote Egan says, “I think I will need,” he is using the survival knowledge that has kept him alive his whole life. …show more content…

“I have never had a pig come at me swinging a length of wood before, but they've come at me with their tusks, and it was much the same thing” (Pg. 149). The. His skill in fighting was because of hunting in the bush; Egan’s application of previous survival experience assisted his victory. Then, when Egan first talked to his father “I didn't tell him where the hut was though. In case I still needed it ” ( Pg. 225). The syllable of the syllable. His caution made him wary of his father, the instincts he gained from his life in the bush always made him have a backup plan. His entire life is focused on survival and how those skills could have been transferred to help him in future endeavors. These instances prove how Egan's survival in the bush helped him in his journey to find Moma. On page 304, during Egan’s speech at Moma’s funeral, he says, “And I did come out of the