Short And Long Term Effects Of The Civil War

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What were the major causes of the civil war and reconstruction? The North and South states had many conflicts that made them butt heads. The conflicts lead to some long term and short term causes and effects. With all that happened there were some successes and some failures. The impact the civil war and reconstruction left were not too good. What made the North and South go to war? The Northern states economy was bases off of industry and small farms while the Southern states economy was bases off of plantations. The economic difference hurt the south due to tariffs on the manufactured goods. Slavery was another conflict, the Northern people wanted slavery abolished while the south believed and depended on slavery. Slavery was the enslavement …show more content…

The Dred Scott case was a short term effect. Dred Scott was a slave who filed suit against his owner due to the fact that he had lived in a free state. The Supreme Court sent him back staying that slaves are the property of their owners. This caused a long term effect of Congress not being able to hold power over banning slavery. Lincoln running for president and not winning was a very important long term effect. His win caused the secession of eleven slave states in the south. Those states wanted their own rights and constitution. These seceded states were known as confederate states while the North was known as the union. The Underground Railroad system was a long term cause that allowed slaves to cross and be free if not caught trying to cross or found after crossing. The seventh cause was there were no jobs in the south and the loss if business with them …show more content…

The now free slaves rejoiced in what they could now do with the freedom to move, own land, worship, and to learn. Their new freedom soon became restricted with Black Codes restricting them and Jim Crow laws segregating them. During this time the 14th amendment came about staring that all people born in the United States are us citizens, as well as the 15th which stated that African American men were allowed to vote. The rebuilding of the South put them more in debt by $130 million. The Enforcement Act of 1870 banned the use of force and bribery. This lead to federal troops withdrawing in the South and ending slaves freedom. These causes and effects led to the failure of