
Short Story Of An Outsider Essay

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My short story is about a girl who was an outsider she did not fit in with anybody and the people that said they were her friends just said that to get close to her so they could hurt her , make fun of her . She had a hard life has she was coming up her dad was a drunk or mom was on drugs all the time . She would go to school and church but she still faced the trial of her having to go home and see her mom and dad that way . She wanted out of that lifestyle she wanted to get away from them so she would go stay with the pastor and the pastors wife . She had to come up with some excuse to why she was leaving because her parents did not believe in church they thought there was no such thing as God . If she ever spoke about church or God to anybody she …show more content…

Rather it was her getting slapped or yelled at she thought she could do anything right . So she decided to run away she thought since nobody cared about her they would not care if she ran away . Not knowing what she was doing she packed a bag a went out the window not knowing where she was going and started walking down the road . So she decided to go to the church talk to God for a while . Pray ask him for forgiveness for her being so bad and for her parents being the way they are for the way they behave towards him . She cried saying why why is this happening to me what did i do wrong . What did i do to them to you please tell me God what did I do . She fell to the floor in tears crying so much she could hardly breathe . The preachers wife came into the church and saw her lying on the floor crying she walked up to she was so upset and hurt she wouldn’t let her get near her . She slid across the floor saying don't get near me . I dont want to talk to you all you're going to do is act like you're here for me when really your not you're just going to hurt me like everybody else does . The preacher’s wife said ‘‘ sweetheart i’m not going to hurt you like everybody has done to

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