Short Story: Run Max's Struggle

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“Run Max!” said Susan still being her controlling self. Susan, frantically running behind him with the rest of the group, broke out in a panic.
“I am running Susan, stop telling me what to do!” said Max. The group of teens have been running from what they thought looked like a giant monster. This giant, hairy, and slimy monster happened to in fact be a troll. He had a deep voice and he had one goal, protecting his home. The teens had no clue that this cave they decided to journey through is where the troll lives. The troll continuously grabbed at them while he began throwing things at them and yelling so loudly the walls of the caves began shaking. The walls shook so hard the kids said it felt like an earthquake had hit. Dust rapidly falling everywhere, rocks began falling from the ceiling, and the group of teenagers are still running for their lives.
“Julie, why is this troll trying to kill us?” said Max.
“It is obviously because he is hungry and we disturbed his sleep,” said Jerry with his head held high because he strongly believes his answers are always right.
“Or maybe it is because this is his home and we are kinda invading it,” said Julie. The teens are still running from the …show more content…

Susan began to approach the bridge. You could tell by her eyes she had a look of complete terror knowing she had to cross the bridge but she became so determined to get the box she took her first step. The mildew filled bridge that had over a million cracks and holes seemed to be sturdy enough to hold the group of teens. Susan kept walking across it going slower than a snail as the other teens began to follow behind her. Max went second, then Julie third, and lastly Jerry. Susan made it across the bridge with no problem. As well as Max and Julie. Jerry, extremely nervous, walked as slow as possible while attempting to cross this bridge. He kept looking down and freaking himself out but he just kept telling himself he would make it