Short Story 'Stop Thief'

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The story is about a sixteen years old black kid named Tariq Johnson. He was buying milk, toilet paper, and salsa for his mom at Rocky’s store. He also bought a Snickers bar for his little sister Tina. Tariq was unaware he left his change. Rocky the store clerk rush outside to give Tariq’s change back. Rocky saw Tariq about a mile away with a friend close by. He then yelled, “Stop T! Come back here.” Brian Trellis a white guy who just got out a store. Mistakenly heard “Stop Thief!” from the store clerk. He then grabbed Tariq by his shoulders. Tariq tries to get out of Brian’s grip. Jack Franklin a white guy saw a bunch of black gang members surrounding Brian Trellis. He then pulls over the curb. Walking towards the crowd with a gun. Someone …show more content…

Just about entering the place where Jack was hiding. Tyrell saw Tina with a knife on her backpack. Tyrell then refused to kill Jack Franklin after spotting Tina outside with a knife. Tina then told Tyrell she wants to get rid of the bad knife. Tyrell brought Tina in Tariq's burial and buried the bad knife there. After burying the knife Tina asked Tyrell if Tariq was a bad person. At the end, they both agreed that Tariq was just Tariq. Steve Connors is a well-educated black man. Because of being Book smart he knows how people stereotype black people. He also views the world to gain respect is to have self-respect. Steve Connors is a well-educated black man. When he was young, he already knew that he could be anything. His skin won’t hold him back as he expressed in p.181. Since then, he studied harder than any other students. Steve Connors learned through growing up with some of his friends before. Who were in the hood. Also, watching the news on how black people getting shot or arrested and stereotyped. He became a ghettophobe. By the time he was in college and became an intern in a company. He followed every rule ever written until he became the vice president of sales. He bought a house in a risky part of town outside