This quote ruling anything about how Soraya and Amir have tried to get a baby but they could not, which is really affecting their relationship. According to the doctor they should adopt a child, but according to the General it is better if you have your own "blood" and disagrees with the whole adopting decision. I think that everyone should be open-minded to adopt a child because there are many kids in the world who don't have families. Every child should have a family and they deserve to have a family while they're actually young so I think Soraya and Amir should adopt a child because I will not only be good for them but also good for the child the child would now have parents, as well as someone who cares about them. I think that the general …show more content…
Amir says how it has affected their relationship, but I think that it should not affected their relationship as both of them have the same morals and respect for one another as well as they are very understanding so I am sure Amir would understand the situation and handle it well. Overall I think by adopting a child Amir would actually be able to partially make up for his sins, as now he will being a family to someone who needs one and he will be caring and giving a new life to that child which would be really thoughtful of him after what he did in his past. In the end I want Amir to learn from his past and be a other to the child he adopts and not be another Baba, as he knows what it is like to have a father who doesńt really take care of you. In case even if Soraya got pregnant for some miracle, and there would be complications Amir should be thinking of what would happen to the child if she died during birth, does he want to the reason his life died and blame him for it like Baba did, or will it be