
Should Athletes Be Drug Tested Essay

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Anti-doping (better known as Drug Testing) and its widespread compliance for all athletes should be implemented regardless of the situation of the athletes. Drug testing—it is a specialized analysis of a biological specimen, such as urine, hair, blood, sweat, or saliva; to determine and evaluate the presence of legal and illegal drugs is conducted on athletes in as much as sports being a possible gateway to illegal substance use. On that account, it is mainly done to ensure that they are not using performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) to gain an unfair advantage over their competitors. Moreover, its primary goal is to protect clean athletes and deflect any form of cheating along with immorality that may also …show more content…

Over and above, the risks of being associated with illegal substance abuse itself should be considered crucial and highly prioritized.

A great number of reasons why athletes—professional or student, should not be drug tested have been laid down by several dependable sources. First, it could be seen as an invasion of privacy. According to the American Civil Liberties Union (2022), “Students still have rights, and intrusive drug tests violate those rights. Drug testing students is a clear invasion of privacy.". In the same way, athletes who are drug tested may unwittingly expose information about themselves that no one has a right to know or be aware of. Second, it could lead to false positives, meaning that athletes who have not used drugs could be unfairly penalized. Moreover, a false positive drug test result occurs when the drug testing procedure …show more content…

The substances vary differently, however, there are distinct substances that many players in sports use. The list of the substance goes on and on, varying from steroids to black tar heroin, but the following are the leading illegal substances player used, Marijuana, cocaine, alcohol, stimulants(amphetamines, ephedra), steroids, and HGH (human growth hormone). There are various reasons why drug test happens and should happen in the sports industry, first the list is cheating. There is an undeniable fact that drugs such as steroids and HGH(Human Growth Hormone), can greatly assist the production of testosterone in a person. Testosterone is a hormone that regulates and helps produce muscle mass, bone mass, and muscle strength; hence many people use this drug with the intention of increasing their strength. Going back to the issue of athletes, having a drug test will ensure the fairness and guarantees the fairness of the athletes, one of the famous baseball champions

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