Should Child Soldiers Be Given To Amnesty Essay

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Not everyone will be familiar with the idea of if Child Soldiers should be given amnesty, but over the years there has been many arguments about whether or not child soldiers that are employed all over the world deserve to be given a second chance. Some will argue saying that child soldiers do deserve amnesty, but the evidence is clear that they cannot be looked upon as victims when evidence shows very clearly that they are criminals. The information is indisputable that Child Soldiers do not deserve forgiveness, because of the horrible acts they have committed, because they are extremely dangerous, and because of their pasts they will have trouble recovering coming into a normal society. After looking at this data, it is evident that Child Soldiers do not deserve amnesty.

Child soldiers. They are the perfect type of soldier. Small, quicker, faster, they …show more content…

This part is true, but the article says that many escape attempts were made and were successful. This proves the point that it is possible to leave, but these kids never made an attempt proving they were addicted to killing and were satisfied with what they were doing. Others will also say that the Child soldiers were innocent because they were just joining to escape past problems, an article proves this saying, “Some children choose to join a military organisation as a route out of poverty, for protection, or as a way of making up for the loss of family or a lack of education” (Child soldiers). Child soldiers join the military, which is innocent, but when they see what it actually is they still choose to stay involved instead of leaving (like it has been proved possible) which is the part that proves to people they want to be involved in this dangerous group. In result of these choices, it is clear that Child soldiers cannot be given