Should Children Have Mobile Phones Essay

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Many parents highly consider getting their children cell phones, but it is not always an easy choice. There are many things that getting children their own cell phones involve, there could be upcoming consequences and bills. There have been numerous debates that are centered around the question: should children have cell phones or not? Of course, children should certainly be able to have cell phones on them at all times, and here are the reasons proving this statement. First, one major reason that children should have cell phones is the fact that it is so convenient and practical for the children and their parents or guardians. Next, cell phones undoubtedly help with safety. Lastly, these little mobile phones help children communicate with friends and socialize and relate with others. Hence, allowing children to own cell phones can help with countless things. When it comes to deciding if you should get your child a phone, you can definitely not forget the …show more content…

According to the website, teens use social media and texting their friend as a way to connect with the world around them. On mobile phones, children can even play online games with their friends to be entertained while waiting in line or for a doctor or dentist appointment. Phones can also help meeting up with friends at places mainly because the phones can reveal directions to places. Texting and calling friends can be entertaining to the child but communicating with friends is unmistakingly not the only source of entertainment installed in a cell phone. Cell phones can download many inexpensive games that your child can download. Also, there is music that can be transferred onto the phone. Mobile phones can cause children to not be too bored in situations like a long road trip in the car or