Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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There are huge debates on should college athletes be paid. The NCAA basketball tournaments have became a huge business. College athletes put in a lot of hard work in practices and in the weight room. CBS makes more than $1 billion off of their games, but the players make nothing at all (“Debate Club”). Some fans would like the players to receive some amount of money so the players would be rewarded for their hard work. “The NCAA recently voted to allow schools to begin compensating its student-athletes for their entire cost of attendance” (Entman). This is a big push for college athletes.; College athletes should be paid; therefore, they deserve to receive the amount of money they work for. College athletes work hard while in class, and then …show more content…

NCAA, would do away with wage fixing, allowing schools to pay players up to $5,000 per year of eligibility” (Huang). The NCAA loses the case, so if everyone was to come together this would be allowed at every college. The athletes would have a reward for the work they put in on the court or field. There are always tragic events that may happen during a game like injuries ”they argue, there is little protection for college athletes who get injured “on the job” and risk losing their scholarships, which are mostly allotted only on a yearly basis” (Green). If a player gets hurt and lose their scholarship that player still gets no income for playing with the team and my still go into debt. Not all athletes are superstars ”the researchers argue, schools should compensate student-athletes according to the value they provide the university” (Entman). The star athlete at college universities should be paid slightly more than the average players. For the players that are not star athletes yet they won’t receive too much less than the star athletes, but the higher talented athletes deserve to be noticed a little more than the