Essay Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) had total revenue of nearly $1 billion during its 2014 fiscal year, according to an audited financial statement. Over the past decades, the popularity in America for college athletics has grown exponentially. Therefore, the amount of money colleges make from college sports can be immensely lucrative. The debate is college athletes receive athletic scholarships but should they be compensated beyond that. As wealth continues to rise for the NCAA, college athletes should be compensated with pay or salary. Some of the reasons college athletes should be compensated include: they put themselves in a difficult position for the future, hold down a full time job and help generate abundance amounts of revenue for the NCAA. One important part of this argument is to evaluate the …show more content…

Despite to what naysayers believe, being a college athlete is a full time job. On a regular day, my friend will wake up early in the morning before school, get a lift or conditioning session in, go to class after, go to practice, go to forced study hall, and then finish homework. The life of a college athlete can be sure enough tiresome with no extra hours to do anything else. My friend was in a fortunate situation and his family supported him through college so money was not an issue. Nonetheless, my friend had to put 45 hours every week to be a successful college athlete. If it weren’t for his family supporting him through college, he would have needed a job for money to buy food, clothes and other expenses. Financial support from his family shows it seems less likely for you to succeed as a college student with a part time job to make ends meet. Therefore, college students need to be compensated because students who need to work to support themselves financially will not have the burden of needing to work another