
Essay Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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“During the season, they can end up putting in 50 hours a week at their sports” (Nocera). College athletes are putting in numerous hours each week but at the end of the week they still do not get a paycheck. In the USA Today magazine Stanley Eitzen says that “The athletes (slaves) are exploited economically, making millions for their masters, but provided only with a subsistence wage of room, tuition and books” (Eitzen). So if college athletes are putting in this much work and making this much money for their schools than college athletes should be paid.
First athletes make the schools a large amount of money, but still do not get paid. As John Hoover says from the Department of Education's Equity in Athletics Disclosure “Texas in 2011-2012 revenue was $163 million, Ohio States was $142 million” (Hoover). Big time schools are making close to $200 million a year so there is no reason why they can not pay them. Stanley Eitzen says “an estimated $2,500,000,000 a …show more content…

Joe Nocera says “the N.C.A.A. itsself takes in $800 million a year mostly from its March Madness TV contracts” (Nocera). So if they are making $800 million a year they should be paying the athletes also. An Analysis of the economic impact of basketball found that “star Patrick Ewing to Georgetown University during the four years in the early 1980s shows that he brought more than 12,000,000 to the school” (Eitzen). So if some players are bringing in over $10 million dollars then they should get some. Stanley Eitzen says “the NCAA has signed a $6,200,000,000 11 year deal giving CBS the rights to televise its men's basketball championship” (Eitzen). The NCAA is making a huge amount of money and none goes to the people that are making it for them, the players deserve the money. So when people say scholarships are enough just know that the schools are making millions and they players are making

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