Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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Should college athletes be paid?
According to Hensley, Wallace said he typically had $180 each month after he paid his bills, This quote shows that college programs have enough money to pay college athletes they just decide not to because they get all the money and they do nothing but the players do everything they put their bodies on the line and they fight threw injuries every day to become better This is an issue because college players don’t know how their future will go or what they will be doing in their future but with a good program that pays them for what they do and a good coach who teaches them everything they will be good. College programs have the money to give out to players that's why they have all of these great places for …show more content…

Many people know or have heard about college coaches and college programs getting a lot of money after each game, in 2019 the NCAA total athletic revenue among all of the athletic departments was 18.9 billion dollars. In 2020 U.S. Congressman Mark Walker set out a bill about college athletes getting paid for their names, images, and likeness and he wished that it would be voted on in 2020 and that in 2021 it might go into effect. In the article “NCAA clears the way for athletes to profit from names, images and likenesses” Mark Walker States “ college athletes should get profit off of their names and image and likenesses because athletic programs wouldn’t have to pay so much to them and he also states that the program they play for should pay them 1,000 dollars each month to keep the players interest high. Given this evidence, it can be seen that letting college players get paid off of their names and image and likenesses would benefit them because they wouldn’t have to worry about getting another job or struggle with money problems if the NCAA would pay them 1,000 dollars each month and that could also help the program out because they wouldn’t have to worry about paying them after each game. This Proves my claim because the NCAA is paid around 18.9 billion dollars each year from the athletic department and none of that goes to the athletes that they have put their bodies on the line for the program each game and each practice and that’s unfair to them because they work so hard outside of practice and games they don’t want to worry about not having money, so when Mark Walker said that the NCAA should pay the athletes 1,000 dollars each month he is right. If my claim wasn’t supported I would be fine because it's not fair to the athletes that have to work