Should Confidentiality Be Allowed In The Medical Field?

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Clinicians are often recruited into a study simply to get access to their patient base. Discuss the ethics of this situation, including any requirements you would suggest for the clinician and the project to ensure ethical participation.
Clinicians are often recruited into a study simply to get access to their patient base. This recruitment has raised questions as to the ethics of the situation. The researchers’ view towards patient is different than the clinician. The researcher shows his patient as potential source of data and they do not have taken oath to protect their patient from harm. While clinicians have taken oath to protect their patients from harm and to respect patients’ wishes.
Decision making capacity plays a key role in clinical research. If one of the ethical principles could be viewed as central to ethical decision making, autonomy would meet that description. Autonomy means that the patients has to be the one who makes decisions, which means that the patient should have the right to self-determination. Patient should be the one who makes decision about sharing the personal information or result of tests for research with the researcher but the clinicians. …show more content…

Without proper informed consent it is unethical to share of patient-identifiable information with researcher. Moreover, in clinical research, clinicians and researcher often have separate roles to the subject. For the treating physician, duties of confidentiality have long been established under well-known legal and ethical standards while sharing data with researcher. Breach of confidentiality is not to be taken lightly and it may have profound consequences for the doctor/patient relationship and the doctor's reputation, especially when they share patients’ information without their