Should Curfew Breaking The Law Be Put In Place To Keep Teenagers Out Of Trouble?

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Curfews have been placed on teenagers by the government to prevent them from getting themselves into trouble. Teenagers are notorious for breaking curfew; and the government is being forced to place it on the them to decrease the percentage of young teens breaking the law. Personally, I believe that curfews should be put in place to keep teenagers out of trouble. By doing so, young adults will eliminate the problem of crime, interference with academics, and distracted driving. Some might say that curfews interfere with the lives of teenagers. However, it is the lives of the teenagers that interfere with the curfew. Teenagers should respect and abide by the law because it is only there to protect them. By implementing curfews, teens can …show more content…

Most of the time when a teenager goes out at night, they go out with friends too. Curfews would terminate the possibility of partying late at night and underage drinking. By having a curfew implemented, they will not have time to stay out that late and there is absolutely no chance of getting caught. Some might say that teens should be able to stay out as long as they want, and that it will teach them a lesson if they get caught. However, the teenagers who get caught may learn a lesson, but it can ruin their future career or life. It would be insane to take a huge risk like that and possibly ruining something of importance. Curfews can also eliminate interference with academics. It has been proven that when teenagers lose significant amounts of sleep, they do not retain knowledge as well as if the had gotten their regular eight hours of sleep. Consequently, staying up tremendously late can ruin a student's grades because they are losing time to study. If a student decides to break the law and stay out past curfew, it could possibly terminate an academic scholarship to a school or college. Many people may disagree and say that the government should push school back to allow students to stay out late so it doesn't affect