Should Drinking Age Be Lowered?

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In The united States the legal drinking age is 21 and many people have different opinions about that. The controversial topic brings many opinions, Should the drinking age be lowered ? Many people see it different ways and bring up good points but in many places in the world the drinking age is 18 and I agree that the united states should lower the drinking age.
Furthermore at the age of 18 you turn to an adult a person pays bills for their car, house, and many other things. Why cannot an 18 year old be able to have a drink if they can join the military and fight a war. At age of 18 you can die in a different country but can’t have a drink. This amazes me in many ways how people still agree with the drinking age. People understand not drink and drive, but it stills happens, many accidents are caused of this.
In addition, many people drink illegally because of the age limit 21. After high school, people go to college and they are exposed to alcohol because of others that are age. It should be 18, then it would not be a problem at colleges or anywhere. Many people are exposed …show more content…

People believe the drinking age should stay at 21 because an 18 year old has less tolerance as compared to a 21 year old. It may be true, but you don’t really know how much you can handle as long as you try it out. Tolerance doesn’t come with age, tolerance come with realization of responsibility and there are people that are more responsible at 15 than some are at 25.
In conclusion the drinking age has its pros and cons, but the drinking age should be lowered to the age of 18 for many reasons. Canada's legal drinking age is 18 years old and they have low alcohol problems. The controversial topic brings many opinions, Should the drinking age be lowered ? Many people see it different ways and bring up good points but in many places in the world the drinking age is 18 and I agree that the united states should lower the drinking