Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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Currently in California as well as in my other states the legal drinking age is 21. As some may know this has been a very controversial issue because of the harm alcohol has on the human body, but don’t you think you should have the option to take the risk or not, because i certainly do. Many countries have different legal ages like 16-20, others don’t have any at all for example, Cuba,Ghana, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway. Some newspapers, news channels and other news sources have all at some point touch this subject and have their own beliefs as well as opinions. For example ‘’The legal drinking age: 18, 21 or 25?’’ educates the reader with positive outcomes as well as negative consequences and concerns changing the legal drinking age would cause. With some of the positive outcomes it may bring with lowering the drinking age to 18, young adults would be less urged to drinking unknowingly to adults causing them to ‘’binge’’ as well as allowing them to drinking in restaurants or with others around their consuming can be regulated. ‘’According to the Core Institute, almost 73 percent of college students drink’’ (The legal drinking age: 18, 21 or 25?). Most of college students don't obtain their alcoholic beverages legally because they are underage causing them to binge drink …show more content…

Ruth Clifford, from Indiana University, agrees with some lure drinking the "forbidden fruit," because it's a "badge of rebellion against authority" and a symbol of