Should Electoral College Be Abolished Research Paper

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Should the Electoral College be Abolished? Is the Electoral College fair or is the Electoral College unfair and an inaccurate system? The Electoral College is a group of people who casts the final vote for president. Each state has a certain amount of people in their electoral college. You may think that you have a say in who is president by voting but honestly you do not. You are just voting for electoral college members to vote for who you want for president. The electoral college votes matter unlike the citizens. They make the choice for the state in which you live in for who your state wants for president. They have the final say in who is going to be president. Should the electoral college be abolished? My reasons behind why the electoral college should be abolished is it is unfair, inaccurate, and gives the people little say in who they want for president. …show more content…

Our citizens want to have a say in whom they want for president. Our votes should matter equally as much as a member of the Electoral College. We are also citizens that live in the United States we should have a larger say in who leads us but with the electoral college that is taken away from us. Honestly, our vote doesn’t matter and doesn’t count, the electoral college vote is what matters (Document D) . They practically have the final say in who becomes the next president even if the citizens do not want that person for president. As a citizen I think our opinion for who should be the next president needs to be more important and we should have a greater say in who the next president should be. It takes away the independent votes of who the citizens want for the next president(Document