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Importance of a college education
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Why is college important
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Owen and Sawhill may be right; college may not be a smart investment for every student because it is true
I recently read an essay called “Should Everyone Go to College?” by Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill who write a great argument stating that going to college should depend on the situation instead of stating that everyone should go to college. Stephanie and Isabel go over the rate of return on education through graphs and statistics that show that those that go to college are often time more successful than those that go straight into a career. However, going to college should be dependent on the chosen career path more than anything else because some career paths do not require a college education. Also, the rate of return is a big thing to think about before committing to going to college because paying for college to go into a career that
In his Essay “Are too many people going to college,” first published in a 2008 issue of AEI, Charles Murray explores many insights onto the topic of furthering education as well as exploring various other options to pursue after high school. Who exactly would think that too many people are going to college? Well with more and more students flooding campuses at the end of every school year and less and less going into trade schools, a shift in the job market is just beginning to be seen on the horizon. Charles Murray’s essay “Are too many people going to college” shows that not only are there other avenues to pursue a potential life long career, but that much of the time pursuing these avenues may offer better results for some wanting to go to college.
College Isn’t for Everyone "By telling all young people that they should go to college no matter what, we are actually doing some of them a disservice" (Owen). This quote from “Brookings Paper: Is College a Good Investment” goes into detail about how college isn’t for everyone. By educators, parents, and authority figures telling graduating high school seniors that college is necessary, they are limiting the potential of that student’s true skills. College isn’t right for everyone and not everyone wants to go to college.
The final point is policy implications. The writers argue that it is a big mistake to tell students that are preparing for college that college is the best decision they can make, and I agree. It is important to insure that you are attending the college that best fits your educational needs. In closing, in the topic of is college the best option or not most will readily agree that college may not be the best option after graduating high school.
It is so important that they find a college that is a good fit for them, and a program that is going to help them succeed. College is one of the most important factors that will determine your life after high school, so it should be a good experience. Every option for higher education should be presented to every student so that they can choose which one they like best and the one they think will bring them the most success later in life. Students should have a good experience in college, and they should enjoy it. Students shouldn’t choose something because the option was given to them when they would have liked something else much more that wasn’t discussed.
If a person’s parent or guardian drilled the idea of college into your head, or if they told you ‘do what you want’ or ‘I don 't care’, or ‘You’re not going’. While college is great, there are other means of education. The value of college is a low because there are people who do not qualify for a college education, and also because there are other ways of post-secondary education other than college. College is not valuable because many people will not make it into a 2 or 4-year college, much less graduate from one. To support this, in the article Why College Isn 't For Everyone, it says, “As a general rule, I would use graduates in the top quarter of their class at a high-quality high school should go on to a four-year degree program, while those in the bottom quarter of their classes at a high school with a mediocre educational reputation should not.”
There is an ample amount of information that leads people to believe that college is a great choice. In Source F, it is shown that, “Adults who graduated from a four-year college believe that, on average, they are earning $20,000 more a year as a result of having gotten that degree. Adults who did not attend college believe that, on average they are earning $20,000 a year less as a result.” Also, provided in Source F, “...55% say it [college] was very useful in helping them prepare for a job or career.” While these statistics are true, the negatives still outweigh the positives.
In a survey I recently read, students said they felt that if they didn’t go to college, their parents wouldn’t be proud of them or happy with them. Why pay thousands of dollars on an unwanted education just to make someone else happy? It is simply not worth it. Lastly, in an article I read recently, suicide was said to be the 2nd most common cause of death in college students. They often feel as if they are failures and that the only solution is to take their own life.
Is College the Best Option College is a place that people go to study in and get their degrees. College helps students get educational and be more knowledgeable. Also, it teaches them who to take responsibilities and do their works. College helps students and gives them a degree which will help them get a better job. In my perspective college is the best place for people to go and get their degrees.
There are many people that their main reason for attending college is for the opportunity of a better job and if that is the reasons they are attending, well it would be better if they not go at all. College is an opportunity for people to expand their horizons intellectually and not be oblivious to their surroundings. Many spend their whole teenage life preparing themselves to compete for a place in universities, they know what’s their goal in life is and their plan to achieve it. Others decide to go through a different paths either; taking a year off after high school, going straight into the work field, others still decide to still attend college in hope of getting that diploma in order to get a good job, and others come mostly in their mid-forties to a community college. Around a “seventy percent” of Americans go to a four year college but around “two-thirds” end up dropping out.
For many people, college is an important key for their future. Some people go to college for the job opportunities and the new windows it can open. Others go just for the education and experience. A good education is beneficial from many different viewpoints; in truth, it is a possibility that one's adult life could be much harder than people care to think. One can have better wealth, is less likely to be unemployed, and a much higher chance of being closer to your family.
Why People Should Not Go to College People should not go to college because is difficult to find out what career choice as a result of the inexperience and little information, the potential loans are overwhelming, and the huge necessity to start working immediately after school. In fact, many high school students go to college because it is expected of them, but that is not a good reason to go. If the students are facing pressure from their parents, friends, or teachers to attend college, but they do not feel ready. A person who wants to attend college should not take on such a large financial and time commitment just to please other people. College is expensive, and it does not make sense to spend money on a college degree if they are unsure of their path.
If one decides not to attend college, that person should reconsider, here are some reasons why a high school graduate should consider college as an option. Not going to college will leave you without a degree, leaving it will be a struggle when looking for a good job. High school graduates who decide not to go to college can go to a trade school or join the army to further their career as other options besides attending a University. With that being said what are some reasons to consider attending college? A college education is valuable because one can earn greater wealth, develop better social skills and most like have better health.
Recent studies on adults who didn’t attend college show that ”Two-thirds of those who do not end up enrolling college believed during high school that college was in their futures, but realities like the high price of college often impeded this goal”(Rebecca Klein). In other words tuition costs, low GPAs, and the fear of college being to difficult, petrifies high school seniors into not even applying for colleges. Therefore colleges would benefit those scared to apply by lowering tuition costs and/or lowering standards. Regardless of your excuses to not go to college, you should want to better yourself and in doing that find college alternatives. In order to have a higher paying job, have your dream career, and have more job opportunities ,you should attend a college that you would benefit from.