Should Gay Couples Be Able To Adopt Essay

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When people first think of a parents their brain automatically generates the idea of a man and a woman. But why not a man and a man or a woman and a woman? Throughout the years gay couples have been discriminated because of their sexual orientation, causing many bumps in the road while trying to become a happy family. One problem is their ability to adopt. Although all fifty states allow gay adoption, adoption agencies tend to frown upon the decision. Gay couples should be able to adopt because it is a great way for children to get adopted, they are just as good as heterosexual parents, and as long as they meet parent criteria, why shouldn’t they?

One reason why gay couples should be able to adopt is because they are just as good as heterosexual parents. In the article (Gay Parents Better Than Straight Parents? What Research Says) a psychologist at Clark University who researches gay parenting was interviewed and said “Gay parents tend to be more motivated, more committed than heterosexual parents on average, because they chose to be parents.” This proves that gay couples should be able to adopt because the more motivated parents, the better. She also says that they are more stable due to the lack of problems caused in gay …show more content…

In an article titled “Gay Parents Better Than Straight Parents? What Research Says” says that recent studies have shown that gay couples are more likely to adopt special needs children, something adoption agencies lack interest in. The same study included that they are more likely to adopt across races and children older than six, both being categories in which parents don’t necessarily consider. This proves that gay couples should be able to adopt, due to the their open-minded decisions while considering children. As you can see, gay couples should be able to adopt because it is a great way for children to get