
Should Iranian Men And Women View The Concept Of Obligatory Hijab?

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In the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, the theocratic government of Iran made hijab obligatory in different stages. After enforcing coercive dress codes in government and public offices in 1980, the mandatory hijab has been subsequently legally enforced ever since 1983. Believing that hijab is a divine Islamic mandate and an emblem of religious and political identity, the Iranian government has also implemented veil as the superlative dress-code for women.
The compulsory hijab not only has affected the Iranian dominant Twelver Shia Muslim community, but also has been enforced on religious minorities and non-Muslim tourists. Consequently, this has led to the formation of new social and national identities. It is worth …show more content…

By the same token, there are different approaches to the concept of hijab in contemporary discourse. This concept has been assessed from various perspectives, including social movements, women’s rights, and the evolving question that whether mandatory hijab is a cultural phenomenon or a political one.
Aims and objectives:
The objective of this study is to scrutinize how Iranian men and women view the concept of obligatory hijab. This matter would be assessed by an empirical investigation through a survey and a series of interviews from social, cultural, religious, and political perspectives. That is to say that the survey targets the general public, and political elites, cultural elites, and religion experts would be interviewed.
Ultimately, the concept of obligatory hijab in Iran would be illuminated and the success of the Iranian government in the implementation of this policy would be assessed. In the final analysis, the findings would be presented in a grounded theory.
Research questions:
Q. 1: How Iranian men and women view the obligatory …show more content…

Thematic Analysis is one of the most-commonly-used qualitative data analysis methods and is used to construct summative, phenomenological meanings of data through extended passages of text. Themes are extended phrases or sentences that summarize the manifest (apparent) and latent (underlying) meanings of data. (Auerbach & Silverstein, 2003; Boyatzis, 1998)
In addition, a survey that highlights the perception of hijab among Iranians would be conducted.
The most common method for learning about public opinion is the sample survey. The opinion poll in this research aims to target the general public, particularly women, in Iran. The survey would be based on a hybrid of online and intercept surveys, with the convenience sampling method. Accordingly, the Likert scale questionnaire would be employed.
Finally, the grounded theory would be used to focus on how individuals interact with the phenomena under study, assert a plausible relationship between concepts, and ultimately generate theories from the

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