Should Juveniles Be Sentenced As Adults Essay

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Should juvenile be sentenced as adults? Elena Kagan wrote a article saying “Mandatory life without parole for his chronological age and its hallmark features-among them, immaturity, impetuosity, and failure to appreciate risks and consequences . It prevents taking into account the family and home environment has surrounds him and from which he cannot usually extricate himself - no matter how brutal or dysfunctional.”(Justice Elena Kagan). But also another judge disagrees saying, “ Even a 17 ½ -year-old who sets off a bomb in a crowded mall or guns down a dozen students and teachers is a child and must be given a chance to persuade a judge to permit his release into society. They both have good points, but i believe that they should not be treated as adults because of their immaturity and impetuosity. I believe they should not be sentenced as adults because they're teenagers. When you were in high school you probably did something wrong or illegal because it's what we call normal. The only problem with this is that some teenagers might want to take advantage of this and would want to commit crimes because they are under age. If they would not sentenced them as adults then there might be more crimes from teenagers. But, the solution to this …show more content…

They also grow up with maybe there parents doing drugs. Like in that video we watched, where the kid kills the mom’s drug dealer. That poor teenager probably didn't like seeing his mom doing drugs. So he shot him and was sentenced as an adult. That i believe is bad parenting. I believe the government should be more aware of this because people nowadays just want to have kids but don't want to take good care of them or educate them well. Maybe in this case the teenager would of never gone into trouble if the mom would have never done drugs. In other words, judges should look at the students background before charging them as