Should Kids Get The Blame For Eating Fat

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Kids Get The Blame for Eating A Lot but Should They?
Who does not like fast food? It is unbelievable how many people wait in lines to get their burgers from McDonalds or a bucket of chicken from KFC. It is hard to believe that Kids under 10 don’t know how much weight they are gaining from big brands like these. They also don’t know what it’s made from or how could it affect their health negatively by causing them to be obese. Therefore, Kids still say it tastes good, even eating fast-food as one of their three meals every day; this is one of the tremendous reasons why kids can become obese. It is all about the quantity and how they eat it repeatedly every day. Who’s fault is this, if that's the only meal a kid gets every day? According to …show more content…

Also, there is a possibility where the kids could reach a high level of obesity and they are in the risk of dying without the parents doing anything to solve this problem. Some parents also stated that they do not know enough about obesity.“13% of parents reported they had received too little and 17% rated the advice given as poor or fair”(Turner). This makes a conclusion that a lot parents do not know a lot about obesity, but it’s not their fault. However, in our modern world there is a lot of places with free education for everyone. According to the BBC “75% of parents underestimated the size of an overweight child, while 50% underestimated the size of an obese child.”(Winterman) This is really scary because 1 in 2 parents don’t know when their kids are obese because of that the kids are one foot in the grave without the parents doing anything to stop it. kids all around the world are getting heavier so it’s getting harder for uneducated parents to know if their kid is obese or not. According to New York Times newspaper “kids all around the world are getting heavier which makes it normal to be fat”(Hoffman). This signifies that even when the parents think they are educated about this topic, and they compare their child’s weight other Kids in the world they and it shows that it’s similar to the other kids weight they are still false. Therefore, their child would be overweight and could become obese with the parent thinking he or she are doing