School Lunches Research Paper

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Imagine your school cafeteria plans to change to a new healthier school lunch menu, which would eliminate some of the students’ favorite cafeteria foods. Well my school has started a healthier lunches, and a lot of people is upset about it. I use to eat school lunches, but when they went to health food , it hasn’t been the same. The food looked bad and it was nasty. School that do have healthier lunches probably has more people pack their lunch instead of eating school food. This is why it’s bad to start healthier lunches in schools.

It would be a bad idea to start healthier lunches, because students would start eating even unhealthier lunches or not eat at all. When my school went to healthier lunches I started to get bigger because the schools food was nasty so I brought a lot of candy and junk food for lunch. I also knew a few people that didn’t eat and wouldn’t eat all day until they got home. I think school lunches should be normal and if people choose to eat healthier they can bring healthier food instead of forcing the kids to eat healthy. Schools should have to choose to eat healthy or not by have different things in the cafeteria that the students can choose from. …show more content…

Healthier lunches would help control kids weight because over the years obesity has grew in the population of kids and adults. Public schools in the United States has gone to health foods to control the weight of people in the population. Eating healthy is a good thing but I don’t think students should force someone to do that. With healthy lunches students will pack their lunch more ,and it will cost the schools money. If student pack their lunch and the school get the same amount of food that they got when they had unhealthy food, it will go to waste and get thrown away costing the school money. It will also affect students grades due to the lack of energy the students has from not eating at