Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools Essay

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In the United States, there is a considerable issue that is typically overlooked: not knowing basic facts about other religions and letting the stereotypes influence how we think about the other religions. The public schools in the United States of America should have to teach religion as a required course in high school or middle school because it would fix the misconceptions and reduce discrimination against the important parts of the ever changing religious composition of the United States. A common opposition to teaching about different religions in public schools in the United States is that the public schools are funded by the government and the government cannot have a favored religion. However, in the supreme Court case Engel versus Vitale the Supreme Court send that any kind …show more content…

Within each group there are many other groups like Lutherans, Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, Muslims, Buddhists, Hinduism, and Jewish. In 2007 and 2014, the Pew Research Center did a religious survey on the United States. In these surveys it showed that the Christian faith percentage dropped from 78.4 percent to 70.6 percent. The Non-Christian faiths like the Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu faiths rose from 4.7 percent to 5.9 percent. The Unaffiliated faiths rose from 16.1 percent to 22.8 percent (“America’s Changing Religious Landscape,” 2015). This may seem like it isn’t a huge change but the survey was given to 35,000 adults randomly selected throughout. In 2007, The Religious Landscape Study was given to about 27,440 Christians, 1,645 Non-Christians, and about 5,635 Unaffiliated. The Christians surveyed dropped to 24,706, the Non-Christians rose to 2,065 people, and the Unaffiliated group rose to 7,980 people. 2,065 people, and the Unaffiliated group rose to 7,980 people (“America’s Changing Religious Landscape,” 2015). This is a change of at least a thousand members of each overarching religion