Should Religious Club Be Allowed In Schools

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School clubs have been in the news many times, whether they did a good deed or created a unique club. School clubs have been in the news as well, the most important club court cases are about religious clubs. Religious clubs are in the news sometime because of the school’s decision to allow religious clubs. Denying these clubs break the first amendment and the Equal Access act, so they should allow religious clubs in schools. In 1984 the government passed the Equal Access Act to provide equal access to extracurricular clubs. This law affects religious clubs because a religious club is an extracurricular club. It states “... if a public high school allows even one non curricular student group to meet, other student groups must be recognized and given equal access” (FFR 1). This shows that denying a Religious Club, and letting other student clubs , then that school is breaking a law. These religious club’s rights are that they have access to school facilities (property) for meetings and that they have access to school media to publicize their activities (ADL 2). …show more content…

The schools break this amendment by not allowing the clubs to have a say in anything or be recognized as a club. The same does apply to non religious clubs, it is also breaking the first amendment denying these clubs to meet. Schools have the right to watch the club meetings, making it so that they can make sure nothing bad can happen (ADL 3). If there are two different religious clubs (that have different religions), a principal cannot favor one of them and give one of them more