Should Teachers Carry Handguns Essay

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Should teachers be allowed to Carry Handguns? There comes a time in most of our lives where we feel proctection is needed. School shootings are not predicted, and no one knows for certain when they may have to prepare to take action. Our teachers/professors should have the rights to bear arms in classrooms. Being protected is the most comfortable feeling there is. Teachers have serveral reasons why they should carry handguns. The three reasons are listed as followed: to proctect themselves from mentally deranged students, to cease life threating situations towards students. In the past year of 2009, there were many classrooms incidents that occured in the United States. Richard T. Autoun the professor of Bingham University was stabbed to death by the forty-three year old student Abdulsalam S. al-Zahrani. It seems the professor was not aware of the attack. The professor would have survived if he had a handgun to defend himself. In this case his attack …show more content…

In most cases students who are mentally challenged are most likely to attack a person they are uncomfortable with such as teacher. In Michael Flitcraft says, "The only way to stop a person with a gun is another person with a gun." However, this is accurate because gunman number one may change his or her reactions if they see gunman number two trying to defend themself. Mentally deranged students actions are not very pleasant. They do not show a sign sympothy for other people. Judy Keen explains, "Students crawled, hid and ran in terror from a man dressed in black who appeared from behind a screen at a lecture hall Thursday at a university outside Chicago and blasted students with gunfire before shooting himself in a melee that was over in less than two minutes, school officials said." This shows this student did not care about the way things would turn out. Teachers should have the right to protect themselves from these kind of