Should The Alchemist Be Banned

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John Green once said “Great Books help you understand, and they help you feel understood”. For many avid readers, this quote sums up their entire life as a reader. Most avid readers, including myself, have presumably come across a book that has made them feel accepted in a world full of judgement and criticism. Books such as The Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo are banned in certain countries. The Alchemist was a very inspirational book that triggered feelings or freedom and wisdom in every page. Through this book i felt as though it was okay to be confused and look beyond the horizon. Unfortunately, many students are placed at a disadvantage due to censorship. The individuals responsible for banning books support their logic by allegedly stating “it’s for the protection of the youth”. This concept has proven to be completely false considering that many books are banned because of racial themes, alternative lifestyles, profanity, sex, violence, negativity, and religious views. While they continue to accept the concept of protecting the youth, many students are subjected to these exact topics throughout their high school experience. The abolishment of book censorship must happen to protect …show more content…

NCAC will explain the importance of reading these classic novels; each book enables readers to gain a historical understanding of race relations in America and invites them to examine race in the present day. Although discomforting to some, the racial slurs are realistically depict American history and should be addressed under the guidance of a teacher. By avoiding discussion of controversial issues such as racism, schools do a great disservice to their students (NCAC).
By getting rid of book censorship you open doors for students. By repeatedly banning books in honor of book censorship, you 're closing doors for them a that could lead to greater knowledge