Should The Federal Government Control Regulation Of The Broadband Industry

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Broadband services are an essential part of our nation’s infrastructure. It can be considered one of the world’s most important utilities. Members of society can perform many tasks using the internet and it provides conveniences that will be hard to replace. Internet Service Providers and the federal government are aware how critical broadband services are to society and these powerful entities have maintained control of the industry since its creation. Large companies like Comcast and AT&T dominate the industry. The federal government have the power to change this factor, but regulatory agency seems to help this pattern thrive. Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon account for the most users. Even though government policies have imposed barriers to stimulate competition. Comcast boost that the competition is fair, but according to Tech Dirt the competition in certain markets is fabricated. Even when you search for broadband providers in the Chicagoland area using the National Broadband Map you notice that the choices are limited. Even though Comcast claims that it is over 22 providers are in the area. The broadband action agenda should remedy this …show more content…

However, some government regulations are necessary, because billions of people use internet services. Therefore, privacy and the powerful influence of the internet must be monitored. Users should be safe, protected, feel confident that the service is reliable, and the prices for the services should be fair. So wired and wireless, services should remain in separate categories. It may not be the most cost-effective decision, but it does allow wired and wireless connections to be monitored regularly. If the categories were combined there’s a potential for important concerns to be overlooked. If the categories remained separate regulations can be improved, which may reveal those elements that continue to force users to pay high prices for low quality