Should The Saratoga Independent School Student Council Constitution Preamble

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Saratoga Independent School Student Council Constitution Preamble As Students of Saratoga Independent School, we want to always strive to be prosperous and as pre-eminent as possible. In true honor of our school motto, which is that we take care of ourselves, each other, our school, and our community, we will undertake activities that will benefit not only those who attend our school but also those in our community and the environment. We give credence to the prominent beliefs that we will make sure that the Student Council remains a democracy, that no position has a monopoly over the Student Council, that every time someone gains a position of power they must say the required oath, that when we see our peers we endeavor in making each other …show more content…

The amendment suggestion will be put inside the suggestion box. The student council will review the proposal. For an amendment to the Student Council Constitution to be created, all six members of the Student Council must be present, except for the president, as the vice president can take their place. The vote must be unanimous for the amendment to be passed. In addition, the amendment must, of course, be approved by the proper administrators and/or teachers. Amendments will be included in the order they are passed under the Constitution. They shall be labeled as the number of the amendment followed by an m-dash, and then a one through three-word summary of the main purpose or idea of the amendment. As an example, an amendment about how many people are on the student council might be labeled as “Amendment 1 - Council Numbers Reform.” The amendment must then be announced to the greater middle school for revision ideas to purge missing details or inconsistencies, as well as anything else that could be problematic. Suggestions can be made in the suggestion box. There will be a minimum of two days, where the length of time is decided on by the current student council, in which to submit ideas before the council will review them and finalize the amendment. Next, the amendment will be added to the bottom of the constitution document by the president. Article Five: Impeachment Process The impeachment process for the Saratoga Independent School student council is as follows. In the event of a representative, president, or vice president failing to preserve the integrity of the Saratoga Independent School student council or failing to properly represent the needs of the Saratoga Independent School middle school community, an impeachment trial may be called in the most severe of circumstances. An