Should There Be More After School Art Programs Influence Creativity?

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Children in low-income schools have similar social environments. After school, instead of going home to a family, they turn to the streets and hang out with their friends because their parents are. Since there is no parental supervision, these children have the freewill to choose how to spend their time. These children get easily influenced by their surroundings and fall victim to deviant behavior and crime. If there were more after school art programs, it would introduce a new social environment to the children. Instead of becoming friends with criminals, they will be able to make other friends. Not only will the children have the benefit of making new friends to hang out with, they will also be able to create connections and relationships with the teachers …show more content…

After School programs are very beneficial to low-income communities because they can help prevent children from falling into criminal behavior.

According to, art is not just a fun activity for children, but it also helps them learn and grow. Art helps children develop many fundamental levels (Martin, L). It is very important that children are able to develop and grow at young ages, because it can influence their future behavior. Some fundamental levels that art helps develop are; creativity, visual learning, decision making, perseverance, and focus. Creativity is very important for children to learn. If they practice creativity a lot at younger ages, it will be very helpful in their future careers and lives. Art helps develop creativity because they are able to express themselves. Art also helps develop visual learning because art teaches children how to make decisions based off of interpreting, criticizing, and using visual information. Art can help children learn these visual-spatial skills through drawing, painting, and even sculpting. Another major fundamental skill art helps influence is decision making. states, “The arts strengthen problem solving and