Should This Student Have Been Expelled Summary

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In the story “Should This Student Have Been Expelled?” by Nat Hentoff was a very good argumentative passage. Hentoff argues that freedom of speech should be valued no matter how offensive it is interpreted by others. Dough Hann abused his freedom of speech when he blurted out “Fuck you niggers” to black students at Brown University. A student asked Hann to stop screaming and Hann yelled “What are you a faggot?” Next, Hann noticed an Israeli flag in the student’s dorm and asked “What are you a Jew?” and shouted, “Fucking Jew!” In my opinion, it was a great decision to expel Dough Hann. He attended Brown University, which means he should have demonstrated a good role model and be respectful. Using bad language and being an alcoholic like Hann