
Should To Kill A Mockingbird Be Taught In Schools

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Aaden Crockett Sweep Sean English 10 28 May 2024 To kill a Mockingbird paper To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is one of the most challenged and banned books. Many of these objections come from parents, school administrators or advocacy groups who contend that its racially and sexually-charged themes are inappropriate for young readers. To Kill a Mockingbird is about a girl who grows up in the south during the Great Depression. and talks about people becoming who they are and developing their character and also about how it is a sin to kill an innocent person which leads to the title. To Kill a Mockingbird should be taught in schools today because it shows the reality of a black person in the south and it shows us that not every person …show more content…

This shows us that they will take a white man over a black man's word, without even hearing his case. At this point in the book the jury says Tom Robinson is guilty and Atticus states, “they couldn’t be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man’s, the white man always wins”(295). This is another example where Harper Lee does a great job of letting her readers know how unfairly black people are getting treated in the south. By Harper Lee showing the reality of a black person and how much racism they had to go through and still go through to this day, I don't think the book should be banded. Harper Lee incorporates many lessons throughout the novel and they are really positive and most of them focus on treating people equally and saying nice things and putting yourself in another person's shoes. Scout is coming home from school and she says the N- word and the attic use tells her “Don't say N-word scout” (99). This is showing that people in the south just didn't look at black people and cared about them because if they did their dad would have just sat back and would have let them use that word knowing that it is a racial

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