Should Trophiess Be Allowed In Schools

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The use of participation trophies in the past couple years has proved to not be beneficial for the children receiving the trophy. Instead this trophy has raised kids into thinking that losing is okay. This in result has made it so kids do not try as hard or put forth as much effort, which is why we have been dropping every year in the global rank in education.
Participation trophies have been used for years to try and encourage participation in sports. They have been mainly used in children sports. It hasn't been a problem in the past but recently people have noticed that there has been an dropoff in kids effort and they think that participation trophies are the cause.
My reasoning against participation trophies is that these trophies make kids think that everyone's a winner no matter the actual outcome. …show more content…

This will not benefit kids because they think that they will be able to just show up to school or work and still be rewarded the same as people that go everyday and do what they are suppose to.
My final reason is that these participation trophies are a waste of money. Most recreational leagues that give out these trophies require parents to pay a entrance fee into these leagues and covers everything for the season for the athlete, and if we take away these participation trophies that cost would be lower because some of the cost is buying the trophy at the end of the year.
The plus to participation trophies is that in the end it helps the kid feel better about themselves. Because they will feel like that if they stick with something for a whole season they will get a reward for it. This can be both good and bad though, Because it teaches them to stick with stuff when they start it. But it also teaches them that no matter how well they did on it they will get the same reward in the