In “Children Need to Play, Not Compete.” Jessica statsky brought forward a pressing issue of competitive sports that has now become a part of our lives. Statsky claims that these competitive sports have a harmful effect on a child’s mind. The extreme physical pressure is quite damaging as well. The injuries children face can sometimes take forever to heal itself.
High School Sports Should be Funded Every year 300,000 students are participating in sports (Gould 1). The School District has been funding the athletics program, which has been benefiting many of the students’ lives for several years. The discontinuation of high school sports will cause many students to loose the health, social and educational benefits provided by participating in athletics. The School District should continue to fund sports because they benefit students.
Although video games are fun and exciting they should not be considered a sport. Video game require no physical activity. Sports like soccer and football have you running kicking and get physical activity done. Video games all you have to do is sit in a chair and play the game. Real sports have you doing all sorts of different activities.
How Videogames can be Better Incorporated into Education This is a proposal for a change in the American Education System. It is not a criticism of the education system, but a way it could be made stronger. The 21st Century has incredible technology that could make great strides in education.
Are video-games a sport? In recent years a pressing topic that has surfaced, especially among parents to children involved in such activities. I am of the belief that they are as real of a sport as football and hockey and that professional gamers should for all intents and purposes be considered athletes. And I write this in hopes of convincing even the most stubborn of reader that video games are, in fact, a sport.
Summary “Children Need to Play, Not Compete,” by Jessica Statsky is a thoughtful insight on the competitive sports for children. She is of the view that the competitive sports can ruin the enjoyment that games are supposed to provide. These methods of playing the games like adults can prove to be lethal for physical and psychological health. The author quotes from an authentic source that “Kids under the age of fourteen are not by nature physical.” (Tutko)
One reason why gaming should be introduced to the school system is this: it will improve students' performance. Studies have shown that gaming improves problem-solving skills and enhances memory and attention. This will help students focus in classes and optimise their performance. One of the problems students often have is focusing on the material presented in class, so they learn less than they would with better focus. If students can game, more of their attention will go to the teacher.
Some people have to get surgery on their hands since they use them way to much and their are many more. But we will talk about them later. I think video games should be a sport because it is so much fun. Why video games should be a sport is people do not earn a lot of money just doing videos on Youtube and twitch. They only make like $200 a stream that is if you are
The author Thelma Gomez, says “Playing sports is an important elemen5t in the lives of many American children.” And she is correct. Sports can make kids the next David Wright, the next LeBron James, the next Eli Manning, or the next Lionel Messi. The best part of sports is that you're improving your physical health, psychological health, social skills, and academic benefits. Physical and phychological health can benefit a child in many ways.
Although video games may be a bit more dramatic than real-life war, teens will discover strategies to fight, and hide. Video games are a highly beneficial activity for youths everywhere, and they should be kept. According to the article, (Mohammadi 2014) “How online gamers are solving science’s biggest problems”, in 2011, people playing Foldit, an online puzzle game about protein folding, resolved the structure of an enzyme that causes an Aids-like disease in monkeys. Researchers had been working on the problem for 13 years, yet the gamers had solved it in three weeks.
Studies have shown that video games actually help students become social. “70% of all gamers play with someone else on the internet. ”(Devnath). In addition to, children and/or adults who have stress may not have a productive outlet to help them become stress-free, but it has been proven that video games help relieve stress.
In the view of education academics, video games may play an essential role in boosting the performance in particular subjects and the development of varying of skill [3]. While acknowledging that engaging in video games may cause a negative mental effect on the secondary school students, this essay argues that video games education should be implemented because the benefits of digital game based education would possibly become primary to the high school students because it could improve social behavior and increase academic behaviour and performance. The argument that scholars question that video games may cause negative effects on
Should children play video games? Playing video games have become a general hobby for folks of all ages. All the modern games started when Atari comes up. Atari was a very simple game of tennis. Now days, you will see many of boys and girls spend more than one hour to play video games.
You know all those people that told you video games are bad for you? They were wrong. Video games aren’t bad for you, they’re actually making your life better. For years video games have been criticised for making people more anti-social, overweight, or depressed.
In our time, technology has become one of our essential things in life; specifically video games. Video games are electronic system used to run games. They involve human interaction specially teenagers. Many researches have been done on the effects of video games showing that there is positive and negative impacts. As we know not all video games contain violent contents, but most of them are violent and mentally dangerous.