Should Young Adults Become Graphic Research Paper

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Should Young Adult Novels Be So Graphic Should young adult novels be so graphic? No, they should not. The reason why they shouldn’t because it’s for young adults not for adults. If it was for adults then that's understandable but its no adult books are a whole different story. Young Adults with be read them and they might not like how graphic they are and their parents will get angry because their kids are reading them and they don't want their kids reading and learning the stuff in the novels. The reasons why i say that young adults should stop being so graphic is because there is violence, name calling, bullying, etc. There are going to be kids who are to young who will be reading the books and dont …show more content…

The kids reading these books are to young they shouldn’t be reading these types of books and don’t need to know these type of things at their age. Second, It says “I wanted to punch my dad in the face” (page 11). Kids don't need violence especially when it's to their own family members. They shouldn't be reading about violence. No child should be reading about wanting to hurt someone else especially when it's your own family and they can be getting in trouble from it. Kids are capable of doing things like this they will read it and think its ok but its not its unacceptable Third, it says “Some of the kids call be orbit because of my head” (page 3). It shouldn't say it in young adult novels because that's bullying and you don't want kids to take that in their own hands because they will have different ideas to do something to someone that will hurt them. Kids might go back to school and do that to kids like the kids did to Arnold in the book which is not ok because they will get in trouble from the