Sick People Elsewhere Analysis

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Sick Sick Sick People Everywhere

Hook/Background Information: hi. i am a very poor man i used to be an apprentice for a smithing shop. But, now i'm here, in valley forge, suffering with all of my friends. from sickness and death (DOC.A) to wimps with no honour(DOC.D) and strong men willing to fight(DOC.B) we show our courage at valley forge.

Dec. 19th 1777, Some of the men have already died from smallpox and typhus. but we still show strength we honour those who have past away. Dr.richard has tried everything has in his power to help this sickly men, but no progress. He estimates that the death toll is from about 1,800--2,500(DOC.A)

Dec. 30th 1777 God help us all we’ve turned into wimps. most of

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