Siddhartha's Love Kamala

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I agree with Richard that Siddhartha doesn't truly understands what love is with Kamala. I think that love should be considered as a major theme of the book because love plays an important role in Siddhartha’s way of seeking enlightenment. Throughout the story, Siddhartha always rejects others’ loves until he feels love at his son. At first, Siddhartha rejects the love from his father when he leaves his home. With Kamala, Siddhartha learns the physical aspect of love, yet doesn’t accept the love. Finally, Siddhartha feels love at his son. The narrative says, “he did sense that this love, this blind love for his son, was a passion, something very human, that it was samsara” (107). Siddhartha’s thought suggests his acceptance of love. He realizes