Doomed Youth Figurative Language

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1. How do the writers of Attack and Anthem for Doomed Youth deal with inner and outer conflict? World War 1 was a defining moment of world history with it changing world history forever. The conflict outside during the war was very obvious with the impact clearly shown on many areas of war. The inner conflict while not obvious was present with the soldiers who returned back and having to deal with PTSD and other symptoms. Siegfried Sassoon’s Attack and Wilfred’s Owen Anthem for Doomed Youth both deal with inner and outer conflict through the use of figurative language and imagery. Firstly, Anthem for Doomed Youth uses figurative language in the first part of the poem to demonstrate the surroundings that might surround the soldier as he fights on. The “Monstrous Anger of the guns” “stuttering rifles” these are all sounds that surround the soldier as he goes into war. These weapons of war are given personification, they are viewed as people in this war fighting for one cause. It can also be viewed that Owen was showing that the machines have taken the souls and life …show more content…

“a drawing-down of blinds” clearly shows that whatever happens is final and there’s nothing that can change what happened during that particular day like War. “No mockeries now” “No prayers or bells” Wilfred Owen shows the internal struggle of the soldier as he realizes what his final sounds will be as opposed to what he might have believed in. There’s a stark difference in the poem with explosive reality of warfare as opposed to calm holiness of the church funeral. Line 1 clearly jolts the reader as it suggests that men who are fighting for their life are no different that cattle ready for slaughter. This metaphor also brings to mind the word butchered, indicating the men were slaughtered not