Sighting Of Werewolves Research Paper

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Werewolves, are they real or just something that we have created in our mind. There are so many reasons pointing to werewolves are fake, but let's look into the other side. Werewolves might not be real but let’s give it a look. There have been sightings of werewolves in the UK therefore, it is highly believable that werewolves exist and are not legends. We all know what werewolves are, but let’s look into werewolf history. A werewolf is human that turns into a half-human and half-wolf. According to the article,“ Back then the werewolf phenomenon was an element of the pop culture (and it’s still now). Thanks to makeup artist Rick Baker, who provided the most realistic werewolf transformations ever to be depicted on screen”(Werewolf). This shows people made creature such as werewolves to be an entertainment and something that might be real. Werewolves appeared in Greek mythology, it states Lycaon served humans as a meal for Zeus which got him angry so he turned him into a werewolf (History).The werewolves were also known as lycanthrope There are so many sighting of werewolves that are fake and real. According to the article: …show more content…

Another beast believed to be in the area is Old Stinker, a werewolf-like creature with bad breath from eating corpses in the cemetery. Both have been reported in the past year and blamed for the disappearance of pet