Japanese Synthesis Lab Report

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3.1 Materials & Reagents Adsorption of Cu (II) was studied using Montmorillonite-K 10, procured from Sigma Aldrich. It is a very soft phyllosilicate group of minerals that typically form in microscopic crystals, forming clay. Its Cation Exchange Capacity, CEC was 119 meq/100 g .The elemental composition of this clay was [Al1.47Fe0.29Mg0.23][Al0.076Si3.29]O10(OH)2 as reported by the supplier. This MMT was used as such without any further purification. Tri-Octyl Amine(TOA) was the product of Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. Japan, which had a purity of about 98% and was procured from Sigma Aldrich. The molecular formula of TOA was C24H51N. It was used without any further purification.Copper sulphate solution was prepared by dissolving CuSO4 unhydrated in distilled water. Hexane, Hydrochloric acid, Methaol, Ammonium Chloride, Ammonia were used from laboratory. Eriochrome Black T with molecular formula C20H12N3NaO7S and …show more content…

The total time of adsorption equilibrium was found to be approximately 80 minutes. The samples have been shaken for 2 hours and optimum adsorbent amount has been determined as 0.2 g for Montmorillonite K 10 and 0.02 g for modified montmorillonite from qe (mg∙g-1) values.
Adsorption isotherms have been obtained with the batch adsorption process. For this investigation, adsorption of Cu(II) on montmorillonite and modified montmorillonite had been studied at a constant amount of adsorbent (0.2 g for MM and 0.02 g for MMT). Different aqueous Cu(II) concentrations in the range of 20 mg∙L-1 to 100 mg∙L-1 at 313 K were studied with constant amount of adsorbents till equilibrium state was

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