Sigmund Freud's Theory Of The Unconscious Mind Analysis

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Introduction The Austrian physician, Sigmund Freud, created a set of psychotherapeutic and psychological theories called ‘psychoanalysis’ as well as derivative works of Josef Breuer and others. He claimed that his psychoanalytical theories was a contribution to science. He re-established the idea that dream had meanings, and that we can discover the meaning through the work of dream interpretation. In this essay, I will be discussing the use of psychoanalysis, Freud’s Theory of the unconscious mind. I will look into artists within the surrealism movement as well as contemporary artists who have used the unconscious mind for their work that they do psychologically and physically to give their viewers another insight to thinking of their environment. …show more content…

It's a method that he hoped would help his patients, in a way, understand themselves and makes them understand how they interact and behave in the world. Freud's theory is that our actions whether it is accidental and or unpredictable, is in fact, the unconscious doing. Looking at the earlier texts of psychoanalysis, it is very much concerned by the language and meaning; it is the innermost important aspect within sociology and psychoanalysis. The human language focuses on the imperfections of human interactions and communications. These imperfections from human can be in the form of parapraxis, or better known as Freudian slips; a human action made by the unconscious, which fascinated Freud. The imperfections and slippages of each human being are unique for each person’s unconscious as all humans unconscious are developed differently through experiences within their lives. Freud also used another technique called the ‘free association’. This new technique went against the way Educated Europeans, at the time of Freud’s developing methodology, approached way of thinking, that concepts should be proceeded neatly, logically towards a conclusion. Free association is a technique where the patient speaks freely, in a way spontaneously, without any restriction, talking about anything …show more content…

His paintings were a juxtaposition of fantastical images of clocks, animalistic figures, as well as distorted human figures and many other symbols becoming a well-known surrealist artist and his legacy still lives on through his paintings as well as his infamous short films. His work is full of sexual undertones, desires, eroticism and bliss that were intentionally displayed for the viewer to be shocked. An example of the intentional reaction of shock and dismay is on the work of the silent surrealist film ‘Un Chien Andalou’ in 1929. It is a collaboration work with Luis Bunuel, a Spanish director and with Dali himself being the artist, for the making of the seventeen-minute silent film. This movie was sought out by the creators to give the viewers a rudimental ambivalence reaction from the beginning of the film of its opening sequence, which is a card reading “Once upon a time”, there is nothing suggestive about this opening that tells us anything further of the film, it is innocent and harmless but at the same time, it causes confusion from the viewers from the misleading title. The film then becomes to be consisting of seemingly irrelevant titles that come up, and to the explicit scenes that are somewhat nonsensical within the