Significance Of Tragic Events In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Elie Wiesel experienced a large amount of tragic events during the holocaust which make loose faith. Elie was talking to his dad about how if he would put his life along the line just for his religion.Then he puts into perspective about how he had to question God himself, asking these different questions. Then later on in the book there was a child hanging and, well, he just then was questioning God even more. God was maybe where but he was not fully there. Because he still was praying and asking God these questions.Having your faith in God while everything is going to hell. While the child was being hanged, the guy behind him was asking where God was and he goes to say he is in these gallows. You might say that he still had some hope of saying that. But Elie stopped praying to God and stops asking him questions. …show more content…

This Star meant more than just a star. This was their own. Religion, some jews will die for it. Some of the Jewish men went out and one came back and nobody believed him when he came back. He goes to say, "He went from one Jewish house to another, telling the story," but people did not believe him".(4) This being said that the fact that nobody believed him, he had no more hope in anyone. Then goes on, "The yellow star? So what? It's not lethal... (poor father! Of what then did you die?)"(11) This was Elie telling his father, like come on, you really gonna put your whole family in danger just for a