
Silky 'Bob And Jimmy Wells In After Twenty Years'

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The story of “After Twenty Years” took place in New York City, around the 1850-1880 period. I know this because, in the story, it says, “"You couldn't have dragged Jimmy out of New York..." (p. 374) as well as "'He and I were raised here in New York...'" (p. 373) these quotes suggest that our main character, “Silky” Bob, is in New York, because he is here to meet Jimmy Wells, and as he directly stated “‘...here in New York…’”. It also says, "'Good-night, sir.' said the policeman, passing on his beat, trying doors as he went." (p. 374) and "...brilliant with electric lights." (p. 376) implying that this is an era were security systems were not yet invented, hence the policeman trying doors to see if they were locked as he walked, but they did have electric lights. The setting impacts the story because New York is a large place, meaning it would have been easier to confuse the plain clothed policeman for “Silky” Bob’s old friend, Jimmy Wells. The time also impacts the story because in the 1850-1880’s, there was a …show more content…

'You bet!'" (p. 374) and "'How has the West treated you, old man?' 'Bully; it has given me everything I asked for.'" (p. 375) this says that Bob did very well out West, which must mean he’s proud of what he’s done. In the story, it also states about Jimmy that, "The officer, with his stalwart form and slight swagger, made a fine picture of a guardian of peace." (p. 373) this says that Jimmy in holding himself tall, and walking with confidence, therefore he knows what he is doing and must be proud of that. The story also states, "Somehow I couldn't do it myself, so I went around and got a plain clothes man to do the job. Jimmy." (p. 377) implying that Jimmy couldn't bring himself to arrest his old friend, but still wanted to keep his job and had a certain pride to keep, so he asked another officer to do the job for

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