Silver Dbq Essay

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Silver was one of the most dominant and popular features around the mid-sixteenth century throughout the early eighteenth century. The treasured item was found from Spaniards traveling west around 1532. There were mountains found made of silver that became a huge advantage for the Spaniards. The mita system from the Incas, which was used to build roads and buildings, were to mine and process silver. This silver was soon sent out to be used throughout China, Portuguese and Spain. Silver was a factor in global trading, currency changes, and in government usage as well between Spain and China. While the flow of silver between Spain and China have close similar and different factors, it was mostly descent for both sides. These types of similarities …show more content…

It was a different outcome from the flow of silver. The positive came from the trading that took different routes around the world and increased as well. Many goods were flowed in and out helping to provide for both countries. The Portuguese is gaining great advantage of wealth, mainly because of China. They are trading with Chinese products with the Japanese to receive silver. They are making great deal of money and not only that, they bring in other luxurious goods. They recieve items such as gold, silk, and porcelain from China. (Doc, 4) The primary flow of silver that happened around 1570 and 1750, was located around the world. The flow went from Mexico reaching all the way over into China, eventually crossing in between the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. There were Spanish American countries involved, the Europeans and Chinese were active around the flow of silver. Major silver mines were located in Mexico, South America, and in Japan. (Doc,1). Trading of silver flow allowed many countries to experiencing having goods, especially the Portuguese. This was giving the global trading a good effect, allowing different and luxurious items come into their world. The flow trade was becoming popular around the world helping to increase the process. For document 4, the point of view is from a British merchant. He believes that the Portuguese are producing a great deal of money by trading Chinese goods with the Japanese, there is a great deal of money that is in the trade. He believes that the British could make some of the money if involved with the trading, they are missing out on the opportunity to make profit from global trade. Someone named He Qiaoyuan, who works in the court official decides best to start trading on the outside of China. Items are worth more, especially since certain items are to be considered ‘200 to 300’ bars of silver. Allowing profit to be made more easier and more