Silver Nanoparticles Effect On Bacteria

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In this experiment, we are testing “Antibacterial Activity and Mechanism of Silver Nanoparticles on E. Coli.” We will examine three things throughout this experiment; Will Silver Nanoparticles will cause the E. Coli to grow? How much silver nanoparticles are needed to cause growth?, and How much Silver Nanoparticles to destroy the E. Coli? We hypothesis that about 10ug/ml of the silver nanoparticles will cause the E. Coli to grow and about 45ug/ml Silver Nanoparticles to destroy the bacteria. Many consumer products advertise that they contain nanoparticles that can kill germs such as bacteria. Many people have even thought that silver has special properties to fight disease and help the healing process. Scientists currently think that silver

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