Similarities Between Dana And Alice

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Having few differences in thinking doesn’t change, Dana and Alice’s similarities. They both have different thoughts and problems, but have the same desire. They both hope to be free. Dana and Alice are different because they both have different point of view toward life and alike because of their relationship with Rufus and the desire for freedom. Dana has a different point of view toward life than Alice. Since she is from the future, she has more knowledge than other people. She has never experienced slavery and only read about it. For that reason, she disagrees with people like Alice, who say it’s better to die instead of being slaves. Dana said, “Better to stay alive, at least while there's a chance to get free"(pg:157). She thinks that if you are alive you still have a chance to be free. She disagrees because she knows the real freedom. In all, her modern thinking tries to persuade other people to find freedom. Alice’s point of view toward life is to die instead of being a slave because she of the experience she had in the slavery time of America. Even though she was free until she married Issac, she experienced many terrible things …show more content…

Rufus used Alice for his own sexual pleasure. He doesn’t care about Alice’s feeling because he is forcing her to be sexual with him. Dana is like the other half of Alice. Rufus uses her to share his feeling. He also doesn’t care about Dana in some points because he punishes her when she doesn’t listen to him or do anything he tells her to do. Dana said, “Rufus decided to punish me for letting that old man die”. (Pg:210). Rufus knew his father didn’t die because of her, but he couldn’t control his feelings. At one point Rufus said, “Behold, the women… you really are only one woman” .(Pg:228) What he means was that Dana and Alice are one woman to him. Dana and Alice are alike because they both are wanted by Rufus in different