Similarities Between Finding Nemo And The Odyssey

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A sequel to Famous Roman Story The Iliad , Odyssey is the poem about the l journey of Odysseus. Odysseus is the the son of Laertes and Anticlea. After destroying the city of Troy by cleverly gaining entrance to the city with a wooden Trojan Horse, his journey to return home to Ithaca after the battle of Troy takes ten years. Among his many adventures during this quest, Odysseus had to escape imprisonment by Calypso on the island of Ogygia. Calypso Lets no one leave her island once you've gotten on it. Having enough problems with Calypso, Odysseus also has to endure a battle with the Cyclops, survive a descent to Hades, and suffer the god Poseidon bitter wrath at sea. He goes through many struggles, all the while Penelope his wife faithfully waiting for him but not knowing if he is still alive. The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. The poem is very much related to the award winning movie The Revenant, and the Walt Disney Picture animated movie Finding Nemo. …show more content…

Left behind from his crew, Hugh Glass has to encounter many challenges to get back to his wife and son. Very much like odysseus, Hugh goes through physical and emotional pain that most of us can't really comprehend. Having broken bones, no food, and miles to go, Hugh glass pulls himself through snow and across mountains just to get to his family. His body may be broken, but he believes he is unwilling to give up. With the many challenges odysseus goes through, and his grit and determination to get to his wife and family the comparison to the revenant is unerring. Just like the revenant Disney's film finding nemo is another story that is just as an accurate comparison to the