Similarities Between Harry Potter And Star Wars

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Outstanding Protagonists Most people have dreamt about using a wand to spell a cast, riding on a broom, using a lightsaber, and feeling the force at some point in childhood or even adulthood. They are all because of the impacts of some of the biggest franchises in the world, Harry Potter and Star Wars. These two stories exist in different universes. Whereas Harry Potter is a story about wizards, Star Wars is a story about Jedi. Although it seems the two stories do not have in common, there is a similarity in protagonists, Harry Potter, a protagonist of the Harry Potter series, and Luke Skywalker, a protagonist of the Star Wars franchise, sharing some aspects, their backgrounds, connections with villains and means to defeat them. To begin with, Harry Potter and Luke Skywalker grow up in similar circumstances. Harry spends his childhood living with his uncle and aunt because Voldemort, a villain in the Harry Potter series, kills his parents, and Harry has no one but his uncle and aunt. Harry struggles a lot living with them since they treat him like garbage. Likewise, Luke also grows up living with his uncle and aunt since his parents are dead, or at least he thinks they did. Although Luke lives happily with his aunt and uncle, unlike Harry, …show more content…

The link between Harry and Voldemort is quite complicated and unique in that a part of Voldemort lives in Harry since he survives the Killing Curse that Voldemort cast on baby Harry, leaving a famous scar on his forehead and leading to weakening Voldemort at that time. In Addition, Luke also has an interesting link to a villain in Star Wars, Darth Vader, that they are father and son, and Luke does not know that until their last fight. Thus, Harry and Luke have a significant relationship with their villain, Voldemort, and Darth Vader, indicating why they both are the chosen ones to defeat